Search Results
Charles T. Wolfe | Materialism and artifice: natural history and the cultured brain | 12.02.2016
Charles Wolfe | Story
Global conversations Philosopher Charles Wolfe محادثات عالمية الفيلسوف تشارلز وولف
Round table on Vitalism in the Scientific Image
Bacon, Spinoza and Materialism
João Ribas | Seeing, showing, ordering: On a natural history of exhibiting | 11.11.2016
Speaking Universe! (Vibration of Knowledge)
A workless future
Charles Wolfe - Wake Up - Lyric Video
Anselm Franke | Hysterical Blindness and Binocular Visions | 11.05.2016
The Marxist History of the Conservative Party.
Exploring artful bodymind practices: Re-enlivening resilient natureculture relationships